The truth part four
Sexuality why do men & women have reproductive organs? Why can't humans have alien like kinetic organs which can implant thoughts in other species of like to have sexual experiences & reproduction of cellular formation. If I a am male virgin and spend my life avoiding sex because of disease but disease spends its organism life harvesting on hosts. Where is the sexuality in love of humans versus sexuality of infectious disease or intelligent life forms.does sexuality really have to exist for humans to reproduce without in vitro-fertilization..?
In this chapter I will examine and pose questions which question why science and religion are merely catalyst in evolution of molecular formation.humans have the slightest clue as why evolution of smaller species exist to harm other species but thrive to served it's purpose of living.
In reference to evolution science hasn't answered the question of universal existence neither has religion & all spiritual gurus century after century. Ask yourself if you could have super human powers. What would those super powers consist of? Would you use those powers to solve all worlds environmental,natural,civil,legal,constitutional,continental, issues. As far as why humanity has war,starvation,famine,disease,retardation,malnutrition,genetically modified food & physical death due to these issues.or would you use those powers to serve the exact opposite as Demi god a hells angel this is considering heaven hell exist. Would you serve as the spirit Satan existing to turn all molecular living beings into sinister sides of hate like cancers exterminating the bad considering bad exist. In form of good like guardian angels protecting the good from bad. But let's consider bad & good doesn't really exist that if the basis for existence extends from criminality. Let's say god don't exist Satan don't exist so really how did everything come into existence. Was god masterbating alone in space floating then somehow got the darkness of space pregnant creating life on all planets. But wait not sound funny. But how did all planets come into existence was the big bang gods thrust of his penis but wait isn't god a women or unisex being so really why do humans have inner & outer sex organs. Yet alone why did god create humans & all life forms to only be able to procreate with their species. So in essence really is sex really required to evolve & create new life. Millions of years from now in parts of universe that is already advanced from 21st century. I'm pretty sure mind sex is only sex their is. Dont forget to view my record mind sex also scroll this blog to read it.
The theory of evolution what is it & the theory of existence for all molecular life forms on DNA & scientific charts. What is it & really is their any answer to why we all exist animal,plant,human,organism & lower life forms plus nature which can't be seen,felt,smelled,sensed. Really where did we all come from and why is it so hard to answer these questions.was the devil really cast out of heaven for wanting to be like god for wanting know the reasons to existence. If so why would god kick his own creation out of a place meant for spirits which served gods purpose.this goes for language as well. is it true aliens can speak all languages but humans have learn only language of humans. Yet aliens can talk to seen & unseen specie planet,animal,plant,nature & all molecular life forms. Why can't humans is it because humans are a rare species which is not as evolved or as advanced as species which have traveled the entire universe already.why can't humans travel to all planets & live on those planets without air. If air is a element of same make up of our DNA why can't we evolve this same element into other planets. If universe is made of same elements why are planets so different in size and shape. Why is life habitable on some planets for advanced alien races but not for humans but wait. If aliens are so advanced why can't human have alien children same as why can't aliens of all kinds mate with humans. Same as why can't humans & aliens & all life forms have similar capabilities. But wait we do but we don't know our power as species to many of humans aliens & other life forms miscommunicate& misinterpret these powers.
why is sexuality required to procreate.? What inside of me says I need put sperm inside your eggs to create babies. It takes humans nine months create human life. But it's so easy take human life. Should human life be so easy to take if it's so hard create because most men are steril and most womens eggs aren't fertile enough for procreation. Same as the universe and all it's speices because when you break it all down we are alien. It takes centuries for humans to learn how live on one planet. Yet it takes zillions of years for universe to create all planets. Heres tricky part. Do planets have sex think about it. Planets like sperm inject themselves into wormholes & black holes due to gravity. So in essence is gravity god? What if gravity didn't exist would I be writing this message of universal peace. What about anti gravity ? Is that Satan lol.If language never existed would humans have mass conflict on such small planet not even realizing the whole universe is needing humans to conquer it for generations not just centuries not just milleniuems.
Seriously world why do we exist ask yourself after all your going through good and bad considering bad don't exist neither does good meaning our experiences are sequences designed by fate to teach our souls truth of universe. Like were stuck in ninth dimension of space & time.yet why can't we evolve in spirit past the darkness & vastness of space and if questioning our existence would cast all souls out of heaven.why would god give us reason to think of such questions and organs to procreate but make life hard and so easy take. Why did Jesus suffer in biblical times if he helped spread word then why can't he come back now spread word and teach humans how metamorph out of physical sin into one mass spirit into heaven or after life. Better yet why cant Jesus and humans as whole have power evolve into one humans body without division. These ideas may sound far fetched but I am only trying get Inquiring minds to question our existence but it's all a conspiracy. We really all are just illusions of reality with no idea why we exist. Yet alone we have ability to create new life. I'm a bit confused.
I'm writing this not from studying science as major,humanities,social studies,world history study's. I'm not writing from the knowledge of text book but from my own soul. I'm writing from my personal thoughts. Not from university degrees not from excavation digs, museums, aquariums,safaris,pyramids study. I'm not writing from astronomy or universology or spirituality. I'm writing from my as I do sit alone in dark quiet room same way space is dark & quiet. At least until the planets are visited not all planets are as noisy as earth. Just sit think and the thoughts which come to your head write those thoughts on paper or in computer. Then after you read my chapters from my book eternal and after knowing the knowledge one may have. Ask yourself does the information I have really mean anything if it can't benefit humanity and all life forms.? Meaning if all life forms before reason were created equal their be no division or corruption on all planets considering hell exist. Yet when planets as spirits have power stop evil yet humans destroy planets with wars why do humans expect live centuries after destroying their very own habitat. Really it's not hard explain I'm pretty sure in ancient times those people had answers I'm pretty sure governments have the answers yet what makes them keep us all living these minu-scale lives for their worthless paper. Why are some cultures superior while some made inferior. Why are some planets larger while some smaller. Why is universe dark all time and not light. Only if you care study these questions you'll reply with an answer.
Are diseases really manufactured in time of war exterminate enemy's. Or are diseases intelligent life forms procreating out of sin like reason to exterminate larger or other life forms. Yet if diseases can be created for war purposes but some diseases which have be studied due to being contracted by animals in food uncooked properly or medical procedures gone wrong or unsafe sex or drug use or exposure due airborne contaminants. How come those same diseases can't form into organisms as host meant make other life forms smarter and advanced & healthier. Why does the planet have so much devolution & not evolution. Even revolutions by humans cause destruction but serve as purpose for one group of people but still humanity as specie is not evolving. Languages across all generational borders still has conflict and mis communication. So does languages of Plants,animals,nature and other lower life forms. Same as planets. So in essence if diseases can be cured after considerable research and tests. Why can't the evil among humans & all species be cured yet alone. Why can't all species evolve without sexuality because in essence that is what all species are doing which don't have reproductive organs.
The ultimate question I impose is did the egg come before the chicken and if so how did the embreyo get in the egg. Same as how did life form on earth as in universe and if were not alone do other life forms procreate same as humans & which species don't procreate with sexual organs and why don't humans have same abilities. Why are humans like most life forms and organisms compromised of divisions. Where did the ability to procreate start for humans during biblical days or before Christ. B.C.? Their are still fossils of giant humans 100 times bigger then humans.but how did those humans travel planet to planet. Did they jump from planet to planet. Did they have huge space ships made of universal material unknown to human knowledge. Even centuries after excavation digs and years of study the historians and archaeologists that have studied these huge giants still have no answer as to why those people came about yet alone humans and dinosaurs. So in essence if human gene can be used in certain animals for cures. Same as animal genes can be used to cure humans for certain diseases. Really what makes humans & animals so different. Humans were known to share kingdoms in jungle with animals in pre historic days meaning before history of human evolution started.same as in modern 21st century humans share houses & yards with animals & in zoos. But humans consume animals for food but in ancient times animals were protectors not to be eaten. So vegetarianism is grand right wrong if dinosaurs caught diseases from eating plants only as herbevours. Then what do you call killing of plants. Vegicide is death of plants to animal & human consumption. Is that no different than genocide the death of millions of humans due to ignorance of beliefs & false ideologies. So what is culturacide & worldicide. Dying for beliefs in world built on false beliefs. So what is evolutioncide. Is that the world is evolving only certain species in food Chain of life on earth while some species die off. So what is religioncide. Is this the false belief in false prophets that preach a certain gospel of god but fails to answer the questions of humanities & all life forms divisions & creation.dinosaurs & giants became extinct so will humans so what speicies will evolve after humans.
Do we really know what evolution is.?
humans are divided by
societies,languages,borders,beliefs,cultures,religions,institutions,values, what seperate all humans & animals same as in all life forms what seperated all life forms. Is their really bad in animal kingdom, in nature, why is humans only specie that Condemns itself. So in essence on larger scale when planets die create new stars and galaxies is that not evil same as crime. So really what is evolutions and why cant all species on all planets evolve into one being.? Literally in essence our Existence doesn't make any sense. When pondering deeper thoughts of our creations.on deeper note let's say all species does have capabilities to evolve what would we evolve into individually and why? Is that called reincarnation and why do we have evolve into different nations as different life forms. Would all species share different life forms after physical death. Why can't all life forms evolve into the mass spirit behind our physical selves. What would be purpose and why. What would be purpose of say living a meaningless life as third world islander living in poverty never having wealth versus living as wealthy child coming up in wealth living in palaces & mansions and having all the luxuries and fruits of the earth.what would be purpose of being a wealthy CEO of billion dollar corporation versus being a mistaken identity at traffic stop being framed for crime one didn't commit and serving decades in prison for illegality. Same as what would be purpose of living a life after being raped having children a women didn't want but lying to her husband that children is his but don't look like her husband same as being a solider from different nation fighting in a war save your land and people from hostile nation couple decades dressing as boy but really a women only teach your culture truth of illegality of war and advantages of war with resources after at expense of human life. What would be purpose of living these lives and why can't these lives trade places. Most people in these situations probably don't care and don't question their existence. But in this book eternal I'm trying to provoke your thoughts to get you to reason with the very existence of our creation & suffering. Like sure aliens do exist on mars & dark side of the moon lives a ancient colony of aliens as well. Sure governments don't want us know these classified secrets but how is these so secret if the knowledge is in libraries & universities for study. guess information aint so classified and top secret after all.yet what is those aliens purpose they live below the surface out of view of sun contact in dirt. Why do aliens avoid sun light could sun light be dangerous to humans like how aliens avoid sunlight in super anti gravity propulsion air crafts. Sure if you sit out in sun all day sun light can cause melanoma a form of skin cancer. Yet aliens avoid sun light so why don't humans. Why do humans believe that vitamin d found in oranges and sun light at right amount due science or as fisher spending hours or decades on boat causes fishers have cancer and sun bathers. But wait I thought the sun was good for people with cancer & low energy in bones to combat diseases and malnourishment of immune system. So in essence humans body's can handle the same energy for one benefit but for same benefit causes harm to it. Maybe thats why aliens avoid the sun. And why do aliens like spy on earthlings for generations and never become friends with us. Well I guess they don't exist. But in essence aliens are humans vice versa right. So how are humans not as smart enough to evovle into all or one species. Yet alone why don't humans have the ability to harness our true spiritual powers. Humans living for generations with few technological advancements generation after generation isn't evolution that just technological achievement. Evolution is like a caterpillar or chameleon or glowing fish or clear fish when species can change colors and shift shapes and metamorph into other beings not as one species but all species. Where is the missing key and why dont all humans have it.why don't all species have ability evolve as in essence what sexual organs does it require to create planets,constellations,stars,moons,suns,quasars,? Really what if their was no reproductive organs since beginning of time. Would humans have ever Evolved.would universe ever have evolved.
Scientist can study cellular life, animals life, and marine life but what study's humans.? Evolution do humans really know what evolution is. Let's examine the word human. Hu= hue meaning color. Color is the ray of energy from which one was born from astrological stand point meaning the universe has your life pre determined based on the stars colors your entered the light of creation. So this is why humans like certain beliefs and values based on your hue. Let's examine the word man= man,woman, = and all cultures whether Canadian,American,south American,African,European,Asian,Russian,Italian,Brazilian, these are mere definitions of existence just titles. Meaning were all created by a higher land and from the land. If woman was created from man then why does women need have sex with man to have children. Take away m and wo and you have an which stands for ancient ambient so in essence were all ancient ambient beings of lights created by colors of universal languages misunderstood by human reasoning & logic. Light isn't really required to sustain life on earth neither is dark. Our creation stems from universal beings much more advanced then humans. Dark is disguised keep us from traveling into it light is comprised to keep us living from it. Yet both species dark and light is the formation of creation the one universal language humans and aliens have yet conquer. So in every land = an = ancient = ambient energy which is essential to creation of all life forms which isnt harnessed by humans& all life forms on earth and in universe same as every planet.So in essence sexuality really isnt required to form new life. when the energy of life comes from all life forms spiritually within all planets. the hard part is why cant all species evolve without sexuality under the assumption assuming sexuality is required when really it isnt. do you really know what sexuality is? write me back i want to know your answers? In essence we are aliens the whole world that dont know our true spiritual powers.
Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT
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