The truth part two
Illusions of reality
See we all live by illusions of reality porn industry wants men have 20 inch long penis size women have to have 26 36 26 huge asses filled with botox injections & ass injections to suit a image for magazine covers and video vixens can't have flat asses or small chest but love is love sex is sex right. Wrong a large penis don't guarantee clients to be booked for scenes and having huge breasts and asses and perfect skin don't guarantee men will drool over you. I know from personal experience as pornographer. I look through thousands I mean millions of clients men & women and even transsexuals. A lot of them have nice looking body's but once their booked sometimes clients don't show up either from conflicts in schedules or because clients don't like work with clients request so theirs double standard in porn industry. When i first started making porn I worked with beautiful women of all nationaltys. But as I got older I find myself having less clients because I wanted attend college and get higher education I didn't have time for exercise so I gained 100 pounds over weight. Most clients were like no way lose weight I was like I don't see big deal with losing weight my penis don't gotta lose weight your vagina don't gotta lose weight. What about full figured men & women. So then I thought well those videos aren't highly favored as industry standard so industry is double standard. You rarely see full figured models being booked for million. regular men & women whom are fit or have good metabolisms. Either way it's double standard.but that's just my view on porn & modeling.
Think about this for second the whole world is hoax a double standard. I mean when I come to think of it archeology,astrology,geology,geography,astronomy,humanology,science all boils down to question of existence. Why does life on earth exist?why does humans have world wars,famine,disease,torture,rape,sodomy,malice,murder,music,mainstream industry,public sector and private industry?Why is whole world waged around wage of currency and unjust wars and ideology? Why am I even writing this short dissertation to the greater universe which could be written in book or blog or website for theory on molecular formation and results of creation of existence. Some people beliefs are simply stated like if I'm law enforcement and I save millions of lives due cyber security. But a international gang which has bot networks and ties to industry and real world terrorizing my family for exposing their human bondage & slavery. Am I just another victim of trying expose criminality in it's rarest form.? Is the law being upheld or abused. Double standard then I'm living in illusion of reality like. I'm on my job but my job title is causing harm to the people I love unintentionally. The same way if police kill innocent colored people same way military bash gays or children get bullied for being fat on school yard same way if a system enslaves millions people to currency then incarcerated innocent but let guilty go free while sometimes millions unemployed result to crime if wealthy out source jobs. Double standard society we live in.
Imagine you will the wealthy claim their wealth at the expense of the poor. The wealthy keep the poor by powers of state. Those without wealth can't fight a war against weapons of food,weapons of disease, weapons of frequency, weapons of sound energy, weapons of spiritual energy, weapons of mis information in cyber security. The double standard is wait lemme finish writing the lol laugh. I know your prolly wondering where I'm going with this conversation. Listen I mean look humanity as a whole is seperated by beliefs. Beliefs that if I'm from this neighborhood or a certain culture and I come from prominence and wealth it is strongly encouraged I not speak or inter act with those whom have not wealth. Problem is humanity suffers as whole because wars are fought in premise of wealth when really most wars are fought to keep humanity as a whole seperated and not aware of humanity as species true power as one. My enemies won't like this poem neither will wealthy which like keep world deaf, dumb, blind, and in Bad health to global unity. Were all lost in globalization, gentrification, urban renewal, genocide, & currenside. What I'm saying is this. Why does my skin tone matter,? why does my religion matter? why does my wealth matter?, if the the skin tone,wealth,& religion can't save humanity as whole from alien invasion and exterminating humanity as whole. The world lives in double standards. Does aliens really exist? did chicken come before egg? well how did we all get here on earth? why do humans hate each other so much in many different forms of hate and separation I written above. We live in double standards. Should I make love to my enemy's wife, if my enemys slept with my wife,?should I attend a university which wont let me find employment with degree,? should I fight in war with people I've never met only drive nice car & live in nice house when most disabled people can't even see or walk? See we live in double standard world illusions of reality.should world have technology and translators but can't have world peace.
Think about it what's stopping world from having world peace. I don't know but it would be nice live in world where I'm not being judged in court by lies of police or hate from local community or family which feels I've done them wrong but they've done me Injustice first out of retaliation the cycle of negativity continues. Double standard illusion of reality my soul or wounds won't heal neither will the spirits of the enemy's holding me captive in prison,dead end job,dead beat divorce from boss that wants cheat with my wife behind my back in secret , or should a world have unjust systems of institutions which brainwash and culture wash people into submission narrowing their world view only for worthless paper. I mean why should gang members kill for clothes,respect,cars,homes,money, same way a solider or officer protects lives the innocent and guilty to collect a check I swear we live in double standard world.
Think about this for second science and study of molecules can't prove the big bang or a higher power really exists. Humans as race of specie is losing the battle for space. Look at my words this way. The earth has existed for millions of years. Humans have existed for couple thousand years, dinosaurs had our planet to themselves for few million years. Yet people think aliens don't exist well we are aliens . How could reptiles which are made of same material as humans become extinct.? But somehow humans popped back up from same soil dinosaurs and previous giants and alien like beings sprang from to be examined by archeaologists? We live in double standard world. Like millions of planets exist and it takes million years migrate to each planet and somehow humans are only fit for consumption on earth.humans not fit for other planets but universe is made of same molecular materials in scientific chart. See we live in double standard universe illusions of universality. Think of it this way how can species which existed when dinosaurs were around still be alive centuries later when humans were not around, but have same DNA strands found in their bones and hearts. Same way how can a caterpillar metamorphasize into butterfly and lizards can change colors when threatened but humans can't like Jesus when under global threat or threat of hostile nations or alien invasion so to speak metamorphasize into other beings or like caterpillar or lizard change shapes and shift our body's to avoid danger. Those caterpillars and lizards which are made of same DNA material millions times smaller humans and dinosaurs have survived volcanic ash and asteroids but humans can't survive wars,famine,disease or ,metamorph but wait arent all species of universe made of same material so why can't we humans have same spiritual power as beings which are millions of times smaller then us can transform their body's when in pain or mating season.? We live in double standard universe illusions of reality. Why can't humans as whole race which like a cancer is slowly depleting itself by false ideologies and lies morph into one human body.? So is the governments of world really lying to us.? Why do they cause all these wars and let criminality of our world exist.? I'm just clueless like how can some insect millions times smaller then me like fish which can survive without sunlight in marine biology study can live millions years without oxygen but humans can't survive millions years without oxygen neither can planets. Why cant planets like nebulas form new stars without bursting once they become to close to their suns in their galaxies. See we live in double standard universe illusions of reality. How can other planets have different sizes and species which can have sustainability of life which can survive and thrive way longer then humans. How can species lives millions years but humans which is a advanced off spring of higher alien advanced race scattered across the universe can't survive or have contact with other humans and other human like life forms in other planets. Why cant humans live millions years. See we live in double standard universe illusions of reality. Everything humans as race of people has learned as hogwash all lies if humanity as species which exist among lower life can't survive as long as other species on & off the planet. Are humans all really just cyborg in top secret government programs being spewed lies just to serve the elite & wealthy interest when their board so they never reveal to us the truth unless they want well commit mass murder in form of war as crimes against humanity. All in all war is not just when the wealthy deny poor opportunity and poor in poverty rob and extort one another. Poverty and war is a mind set which is learned and taught and wealthy people are poor in mindset for keeping societies same way for decades. but let's just say humans didn't have reason which is a sin explained in biblical sense in form of snake emotion disguised as form of species a advanced intertelligent being which cant be seen like air but only felt called Satan or devil or Demi god or anti Christ. Does humans really need air to breath is human body capable of sustainability on other planets I'm pretty sure humans can live without all the technologies and customs of religion,culture,society, were forced to believe. Especially if life forms like jelly fish & caterpillars can metamorph if their millions times smaller then humans but can survive elements humans can't survive in.think of it this way warm blooded animals can't survive elements cold blooded animals,insects, or lower life forms like planets ,plants marine life and animals and nature can survive.? Where is the balance why is whole universe unbalanced why does gravity keep us all together but separated. What's difference between infiniti and eternity.?what's difference between heaven & hell. The good shall inherit the earth but the meek & criminal shall inherit hell on earth and afterlife. What's difference between after life and being alive. Why can't our spirits balance the need for gravity to keep flesh on our spirits like tattoos.? Why can't we shead our skins like snakes without dying physical death.? Does death really exist ? If humans reincarnate what's difference between physical & spiritual death.? we live in double standard world double standard universe. Is the movie men in black true are aliens really trying take over universe and pushing globes and universe into future and back into time at same time just confuse humans and other intelligent life forms.? The answers are somewhere I've researched in libraries,universities, top secret world government faciltys but the truth remains unknown. What's does international space station really have on video that they won't reveal to public.? Why does world governments keep societies in ruin and war only so few wealthy can profit from expense 80% the human population while 20% percent only have middle class, low class, poverty, like conditions and other % percent which live jungles and jails the unknown whom are just as talented as those in power but were forced probably due poverty or bribery commit crimes against poor while wealthy bribe lower level men & women with little wealth to fight wars of injustice due to the beliefs or ideaologys as crimes against humanity. Same as why do planets,universes, and other life forms all over universe not have capability to metamorph and bring universe as race of same materials on scientific chart to exist as one body one mind one soul one spirit is it really true that all existence is the creation of higher power like a cancer in body some parts good some parts bad. Yet in order preserve the good in form of god or religion the bad parts have be doctored scientifically exterminated to preserve the good killing the in form of satan. See humans live in double standard universe it's all illusions reality really doesn't exist what's happening to us isn't really real were all just going through a experience in universal travels as one spirit in many life forms until we align same as astrology,astronomy,archeology,geology geography and worldology and universology isn't just a term defined to one planet no it's way deeper than that were all defined but some super intelligent being disguised as one spirit. Most people won't believe that if you listen to space it's just bunch of sounds but if you quiet the sounds on all planets and balance the noise I bet we'd all really see that ,meditation which is what lower life forms and super intelligent beings like a caterpillar are performing in silence right before our eyes but yet due to distraction and sin and lies of misinformation humanity as whole can't metamorph into it's one body self think about it. What really ,makes us all different in essense,? Is our beliefs making us different if were all made of same molecular material,? Does our cultures make us different? Does our socio Economic backgrounds places of legacy or lineancy heritage bloodlines over generations really make us different ? Does the planets we all come from but are stuck on earth as last great hope for space really make us different? Is it really true super intelligent beings taught humans truth about space during dinosaur generations if so how come dinosaurs are extinct but humans evolved from those caveman like beginnings and those caves and fossils still exist ? How come the structures found in ancient spiritual lands which great structures pyramids exist on all planets not just mars? What does the people in power really know and why do they blind us that having wealth is the key to longevity on earth but we can't live millions years so what good is wealth. The planets still have famines,disease and wars so what good is superficial beliefs like good looks and industry standard when humans as species is lost in universal translations see we all been lied to and it's time they all come clean people in power about their lies and cover ups and why humanity as a whole is divided by lies and illusions of reality.
On deeper note why would wealthy hostile nations create nuclear power to protect human life and wealth but then enslave millions to prisons and unemployment and poverty.
See we all being lied to. We live in double standard world like don't believe that believe this don't do that do this. Strive for success even if your health is being ruined. I'm sitting Here with millions thoughts in my head like millions stars in sky wondering like why is our higher power our creator religions people call the feeling of emotion in our hearts and minds god. Why is god letting us suffer and why is god putting us through all this living torture with wealth or without wealth globally? As atheist and conspiratist and devil worshipper would say. If god or the man in the sky was real I wouldn't be serving my country as solider fighting injustice in form of terror by church,state,community foreign and domestic. but see that's all titles and definitions where is the truth really let's examine. Who cares what their names and titles are in multi trillion dollar industries. The question I'm trying impose is this. Why do we exist and what for? Does human suffering really have to come with a price. Beauty is pain so is torture. The lost of sight or physical feeling is that due to ancient beings aligning ones spirit with ones higher self or is it due to gross malnourished food synthetically harvested in labs to change DNA of humans. See we live in double standard world. How can our greater being let us suffer. How come their is no real answer and even in 21 first century as I'm writing this how come the first man to ever walk earth or woman never had the knowledge to evovle and teach humans then what I am now posing as question now.? See our universe is double standard and I will keep pressuring the people in power until they release all their secrets to me because life is short and I want to live million years like how planets exist millions years like spirits within our flesh exist millions years. Do I write insane questions. Not really I'm just trying get to the bottom of our existence and why we can't live free of the torture and human bondage globally with wealth or without wealth.wealthy people can't realize that helping a few low income communities but denying other communities isn't wealth double standard.
Think of the judicial system men,women,children, walk free from crimes against humanity. How can a person take a life in war time or in situation where their is no evidence walk free but in situations where under the assumption of crime no lawyer no jury walk free from crimes yet humanity is being criminalized as upholding superficial beliefs against ourselves by letting systems & languages barriers ruin communities and families from miscommunication. If the people of certain country decide to attack another nation under assumption another nation attacked them but simply the attack on one nation from missle came from another nation but sparked a war then lots of lives become ruined and lots children became parentless due to lies is that not double standard war double standard lies illusions of reality. How can human trust what television tells you the views on the television were meant lie to you keep you serving the interest of those in power but their interest is to enslave,tame,torture,spread lies,abuse,scandalize your nation under assumption of attack from one nation accidentally going war with another nation. People who watch t.v. And never been war can't fathom what real soldiers who've actually been to war or prison or been homeless or incarcerated have gone through. Whole world has same issues globally but the poor & those suffering can't find unity when powers of state keeps poor separated and when agents,spies,militias,mafias,mobs,cartels invest in killing the people that want bring people together for reporting their abuses.the tv tells one story lies & half truths while those whom had real life experiences tell the true story. We live in double standard world. Like technology is gift and curse lives can be saved from disease and other disasters. Yet spies,hackers,cyber stalkers,criminals,agents,crooked officers can use technology under assumption of crime steal lie cheat honest hard working people out their money. Same way innocent person can accidentally walk into wrong neighborhood and become victim of violence when not in gang but under assumption of crime or gang affiliations. Same way innocent person can become victim of police brutality by walking in wealthy neighborhood looking for friends place or simple becoming lost and needing directions but ends up victim to discrimination. same way a colored person can walk in a clothing or retail store and be surveilled because people from some cultures see colored people as criminals or can't afford their services so they are under assumption of criminality so their surveilled but when wealthy people keep culture of people down by millions as federal case against the government or against the county where the Injustice took place where does the justice come in what's the difference? Injustice is injustice right no matter if it's happening to one person or millions people if it's the same injustice on different scales like retail theft is simple fine but what about cultural theft, where a culture is suffering because of system designed enslave and keep people powerless and discriminated against on mass scale mass modern day slavery. I'm not speaking from racial tone I'm speaking from how do one speak on injustice of living under a system which causes me to commit random acts of violence because my conditions were poverty meaning the pre requisite for crime which guns,drugs, & other illegal activity was learned because of the denial of wealth. See humans live in double standard world illusions of reality. If I can't find stable employment because system denies me oppurtunity is that not cultural theft while I'm living in retail like society where the society assumes I'm criminal but criminalizing institutionalizing me based on the other individuals in same positions forcing me fight for every last dollar based on lack of oppurtunity. Same way if as truth seeker I post videos online to expose let's say international crime, police brutality,gang violence, quite collar crime,medical malpractice, criminal negligence, bribery, forced entry, social insensitivity, due to being denied oppurtunity is that not double standard. How can poor people not work to together make themselves rich but wealthy people share their wealth but both groups can't find common ground globally to halt progress of global unity & world peace. See we live double standard world illusions of reality.
Growing up people of all walks of life are taught live a certain way. Yet what makes people of all walks life feel compelled form their opinions on false beliefs lemme break it down for your understand my truths. I don't have all answers but look why do humans which are made of same molecular material not have ability to communicate in all languages. Why does la gauged have bee taught. How come babies have learn walk and crawl and when humans become older in age humans have learn walk. How come plant life and smaller life forms can live longer then human life. I'm only trying get you humans see past world views like how did we all get so wrapped up in our crazy beliefs to assume were all righteous when hurting ourselves globally to serve needs of feelings of remose,resentment,revenge,recompensation are all wrong. Humans can't evolve into a intelligent advanced species like lower life forms which are more advanced in every aspect unlike humans we populate an entire planet but have division in thought and beliefs but lower life forms animal,plant and nature can share the galaxy for millions years without harming the equilibrium of gravity or smaller Eco systems.
Where did humans get so lost in beliefs. Lost in money, lost in wars of all kinds under different disguises demises as equality but really humans globally live in poverty a mind set. Poverty is not being poor not having wealth poverty is treating others lesser then oneself. So you see poor people treating each other wrong is criminality. When wealthy people treat poor people wrong it's discrimination. When world suffers because world can't take care of itself as whole meaning stop hatred between all races of people to serve needs of wealthy but keep poor poor then you have mass slavery which is poverty like conditions being poverty minded meaning slave planet. Wealthy have money poor need money world needs a medium keep people living in global Eco system. Money isn't answer to solving every person problems. Money is root of all evil money is reason world is at war with itself. If money worthless paper never existed.would people of global community be enslaved to war,wealth,wrath,havoc,health issues,criminality,enslavement,torture,issues of technology,disease of being cancer to a planet which is a spiritual Eco system.humans have destroyed the environment,destroyed each others lives, destroyed cultures and religions based on false beliefs. People believe what they assume as reason justify their beliefs. If the conditions to create a global war never existed same way conditions of poverty same way global war & global poverty which is false belief injected into minds of young and those living in poverty which is Injected into society & world. Which causes the conditions of crime would laws even be created stop criminality.
We study our circumstances but humans have you ever asked yourself who study's us as race of specie.I call it humanology. The study of flaws in humanity.then worldology is the study of all species and Eco systems in one planet and solar system co existing & non existing.
Humans over world suffer at hands of false beliefs illusions of reality. The detriment to our characters is more than losing family & friends to lies. The detriment is more than losing finances to glitches in information security systems.the detriment is more than being accused guilty to glitch in finger printing system in live scan system or criminal probing case.The detriment is more than losing half of humanity to assumption of criminality under pretense of crimes which was created keep humanity seperated under assumption higher bring of self god does not exist. If our higher self does not exist how did we all become existent. If evil exist then good doesn't exist in actuality meaning no good can ever come from evil. Meaning if our planet is filled with poverty & inhumanity then why do we exist if humans only intent is evil. Why does our planet portray evil as bad but world is built on evil and torture of human kind. Wealth is evil is in actuality being a good person is bad or wrong. I had no idea why I am writing you my truths I am only trying figure out why the people in my life close family and friends have suffered at hands of host of issues in this synopsis. What lead to those people wanting hold secrets to keep wealth hurting my people for wealth which is worthless in actuality.? What made wealthy & elite of world turn their shoulders on all suffering globally. See humans we live in world full lies & illusions and most of you that do know better will never confess because your part of the illusions. You all can't see that your false beliefs,false idols,false prohets have lied to and blinded you with lies in religion god doesn't create separation in religion a war isn't holy their is no such thing as dying meet your creator or hurting other in name of upholding religious view same as their is no such thing as doing evil in name of good like hurting other men and women and children either gang affiliation or powers of state to give to other women,men,children see world you've all been blinded by illusions of reality don't be world minded.
What you think?
Write me back I'd like hear all your responses if your care to know why were suffering on this planet with wealth or poor same difference.! If you don't give you know what just disregard this universal message of peace.
Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT
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