Part 3
Being blame for crime. Criminality is the study of what criminal activity is globally. Studying criminal activity expands across all generational boundaries. Owning property leads to criminality. Land is the biggest resource and capital which is more valuable then any precious resource.when huge corporations open large surplus stores and enslave millions of people to employment and then the owners of those corporations find their family members held ransom and hostage for the money of the owners capital you have criminality.same as if those millions people become unemployed you have criminality the elements of sin,evil,destruction,discrimination,poverty,racism,. & crime happen.but that is only the developed regions of world. What about undeveloped regions of the world. Why does world have criminality period.
The sad part of the above definition of criminality is that communities allow the resource of money to seperate cross generational cultures.Even if humanity blood lines are tied together.educations is not allowed to all & knowledge does not decree that those in power will not criminalize those less fortunate. Same way those without money once learning like natives & jungle livers money isn't really required to live a meaningful life. Only modern civilization requires mass employment aka mass slavery which in indigenous tribal times money was evil & ruin of prominent living healthy civilizations which had contact with ancient intelligent higher spiritual beings. If money never existed criminality to an extent would not exist. Lemme explain further. People with limited education of the inner workings and outer workings of suppressions and oppression caused by money whom have money push by force the threat of violence onto those able enough to employ workers for equity,capital,currency,cross generational borders,bonds,buildings,blueprints and business. If those without money all knew truth would the world have war over currency and worthless paper.If money was abolished would senseless wars would of been caused across all continents and trans generational borders. The evidence exist that humanity is tied to one man & woman millions years ago in Africa. So really what & whom caused the whole world to seperate. Modern technology & evolution can't solve all crimes against humanity and is any one really guilty if the intent to commit crime was built on lies before money. Humans have been hurting each other centuries before money existed generation after generation.
Why haven't humans really solved the possibility that the whole world is being enslaved to worthless beliefs & worthless paper.? why have the world caused so much division generation after generation and why can't humans evolve pass the instincts which cause harm & torture.why do humans with limited or a lot power believe what they believe. Why do we chase these illusions of reality mirages in desert of societies across generational borders. Which lead to criminality instead of world peace.why can't humans evolve into one peaceful planet. Why is the world filled with war under different demises and disguises.? Like if I'm son of wealthy Saudi Arabian oil tycoon and the soliders from USA blame my country for acts of terrorism but in actuality my country wasn't responsible for the acts of terrorism. Is that not criminality if the soliders exterminate,kill,commit acts of genocide against innocent people that had nothing to do with the terrorism caused in USA or worldwide but really their was fake program designed classify colored imdigenous people of all walks life as terrorist that had no idea why their being blamed for crimes they didn't commit yet the real conspirators that committed the crime were actually it's own government just to steal resources which were being denied to that country. So in a attempt to gain resources the government of USA started a fake war attacked it's on nation and caused global war. Is that not criminality. Same way if a hostile nation which doesn't like the abuses of any other country decides to attack another country and innocent people become hurt because of the attacks is that not criminality. Same way if the planet which has access to technology in certain parts the world can inform each nation of attacks but yet let's them happen and then a group of terror decides blame a rich oil family like mine for the crimes that had nothing to do with the crimes only extort,embezzle and hurt my family & innocent people is that not criminality.
The world is filled with criminality of all kinds.If CIA financed by Colombians secretly hires mercenaries murder,mame,torture, in secret members of my friends and family for crimes they committed because of the issues of poverty & criminality which by force was brought upon them to finance a secret war to own pipelines in rich soil oil regions. Is that not criminality. Same way if terror group decides infiltrate my family and commit same atrocities other then what agents have committed under pretense of al queda but could of been any kind criminal group. Is that not criminality. Same way in ancient times kings were poisoned and queens were raped & killed so empires of royalty could be taken over by peasants and low lives of those generations same way billionaires enslave millions people to meaningless jobs is that not same element of criminality & slavery if the currency made from both generations lead to mass murder when the jobs were done. Meaning the elements of poverty then rise because the haves become have nots and want to have. So is money really root of all evil. What really is criminality.
How many gangs,mobs,mafias,crime families,agencies,authorities,secret organizations exist many of them can be accountable for crimes against humanity. Secondly if currency didn't exist & technology could solve the needs of ending world war and evolving humans pass the corruption from beginning of time til this century 21st century. Would problems which existed ever exist.? Would the instincts of criminality exist.? Why would terror under many forms exist in form of currency.would abloshing money really solve humanities natural resource problem. Would abolishing money end racial,cultural,trans-generational war fare beliefs. Why do so many people across world want worthless material things at the expense of human,nature,animal,planet,molecular,cellular & organism life.?why do governments build millions of prisons but create the elements of poverty to lead to criminality to cause the mass incarceration of innocent & guilty. Same way how does a planet hold ignorant,limited,traditional,religious,closed minded views which leads to world war under different demises. Why am I even writing is book called eternal. I'm gonna try to explain to best of my ability the reasons why I can't stand to live in a planet that doesn't allow me to live in peace everywhere & evolve in spirit or metamorph into different life forms or protect myself from danger or have shield around my body. From bullets,bombs, and body pure enough to balance poison or any elements of criminality which can cause bodily harm made man or natural. Why cant I be able live free from criminality of poverty or criminality of wealth. Why can't I travel in past or into future without dying physical death. Why can't world have world peace and no weapons of mass destruction.
Why why why why why why why why's
Really if your historian studying humanology and elements of criminality generation after generation.From beginning of time until 21st century and beyond what really makes us all different in essence. Why do men have outer sex organs why do woman have inner sex organs. If were all created in gods Image or some super higher being what really makes whole world not be able communicate in spirit as one spirit and what makes whole world evolve through sexuality but not spirituality. Why does world allow random acts of terror & torture & criminality.? Where did the elements of insanity inside humans DNA genome become barbaric & evil. Where is the planets which exist where one can live forever without the elements of criminality here on earth. Take your time reading these synopsis. Read it again answer every question then join me in search to find out why humans as mass race of people are really lost in space with no idea why we exist.
Put the elements of criminality like this if the elements described within this paragraph never existed would humans have evolved.?would humans have wars,famine,disease,starvation,poverty,discrimination,genocide,suicide,homicide,globally.
I can write on other subjects on more defined issues of many different ways criminality exists but yet if world,won't read my book eternal what's point of even questioning my own existence which was caused due to criminality.the worlds existence is caused by criminality so what would happen if those elements never existed is question I impose. But wait I'm not even done writing I'm not taking sides I'm not trying make anyone hate one another.same way if world won't respect itself enough to stop all wrong doing because elements of criminality. Why do wealthy blame their problems on less fortunate not coinciding with their beliefs. Same way why do less fortunate blame their problems on wealthy. Same why why do countries & communities blame their problems on each other when in essence criminality the issues of humanity as a whole is in poverty if the whole world lives in division that's not just insanity it's extermination. If wealthy people are so wealthy then how come humans as whole is divided not even just by criminality but by superficial beliefs.
If heaven & hell infinity & eternity really exist but the elements of criminality exist all over globe in many ways. If one knows better shall one becomes criminal unintentionally. Yet if whole world knows better but refuses accept world peace then why should god punish me if the elements for other individuals attacking me or vice versa the world attacking itself should souls of world be held accountable in hell. Why should only good people go heaven.why would our creator create a planet full of criminality to Condemn the innocent & punish the guilty on earth & in after life. If the elements which created criminality from beginning of time never existed would humanity as whole have peace on earth.? What made sin creep onto earth. What made reason make humans decide choose division leading to centuries of criminality.if their are zillions of universes and I only live within milky way galaxy. How come life on other planets is or maybe isn't filled with criminality or evil or sin possible. Is their planets which exist where evils of criminality don't exist. Where peace,love,kindness,caring,spirituality the ability to stop the evils of criminality in definitions described within this synopsis.
Criminality ever been blamed for crime you didn't commit or framed on basis of criminality within this context if so write me back I want to read all your responses.
Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT
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