Daughters Nas ft PTRILLA
I was tryn tell this female
You way to pretty have sex for free
Way to pretty have sex for money
Way to smart give your virginity up for material things
Way to precious like newborn with no guidance
To be accepting any persons view of your reality
Even with university degrees & street smarts
Your legs shall never spread apart
Your a fathers daughter
Your a spouses wife
Your mother to children
Your special person to many people
Your reason many men fiend for sex & big checks
Life is so much more than party's & bullshit
Your more than just another pretty face
But it's your world
I'm only stating how I see you
Were opposites of same struggle
But you've yet realize your true bueaty yet
You've yet to live on your on & discover your true spirit
Your so much more than image, vixen, CEO,
Your creator of new generation
Leader of greatest minds descendant of forgotten ancestors
Don't be so quick form your beliefs to worlds view
Because the world won't always view
You how you view world
Plus world won't accept you just because your physique
Can make millions men souls weak
The hate you see in others
Is same hate you hate within yourself
Yet instead hating others flaws
You accept their flaws & all
Only because life ain't fair & ain't easy at all
To most your just another pretty face
Another pimps pay day
Another tricks pleasure day
Another porn stars scene
Another prom dates virginity stolen
Another mothers tears you didn't wait
Another fathers gun blasting
Because his daughter threw all her dreams away
Before you try fathom why men do what they do
First look at why world is way it is
First try understand I know pain behind your tears
You had strip pay college tuition
You had fuck corporate CEOs get mansions & fly whips
You had suck dick just pass classes you failed
You had shoot guns snort blow just ease pain of no love
From those who never respected you
Same way men lonely looking for love neglected you
Same way you had become black widow
Eat you prey after you done with them
But pray over every meal
Cuz your reason
You run household at age sixteen
Because your father caught case
Spraying Uzi for prada & gucci
Tryn provide cuz ex felon couldn't find job
Provide for your brothers & sisters
Showed you ropes hopefully
Life wouldnt beat you like Tyson
But bite they dicks off if they rape you in silence
You say no no no no inside
But smile yes yes yes yes
You destinies child lost soul
You had no direction no goals
Until you was stuck with them bills
Brothers in graves & sisters stripping &
Stealing your shit jealous
You made it out hood living legit
But still geto queen street prodigy
Messiah in your eyes Mecca of non Muslims
You gold mine fort Knox ain't worth
Before your ruin your earth
Chasing fake dreams
Realize that everybody
Won't admit they wrongs
You ain't wrong
You right
You was caught up in stereotype
The stigma of slave descendants
Your soul burns like body's of slaves made victims
The scars on your body represent centuries of torture
The tattoos represent an ancient language most can't read
By time they figure out your essence
They realize why I respected your presence
Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT
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