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Monday, September 10, 2012

$pace & honey ?

$pace & hon€y ?

If I die

I'll transform into another life form

Keep living infinitely for centuries

If I commit sins I'll be cursed for eternity

So I might as well live positive amongst negativity

Procreating newer generations on the beat

Enough planets for each human have their own galaxy

While we trapped on one planet no space insanity

I'm caged in by ignorant beliefs

Why can't people live and let be

Material, religious, superficial, cultural, racial , financial hateful  beliefs

They ain't chase theirs so they tryn baller block me swat me heart stop me trill musician athlete

Half my dreams was inspire change

Why the envious haters aiming for my brain, chain, keys, geez, seize I sneeze allergic to skull shit bull shit

Frequencies controlling our brains radioactive chemicals
Ruining our Chemistry,

Life Span shorten by pollution what is solution to world peace

Why they slaving me caging me won't let me be hatn me cant hustle with me build empires with me tribes with me lasting centuries for preserving humanity no wars over currency

Things I can't take heaven with me where not advanced specie we can't even achieve world peace let alone space exploration peace in every nation

Earth like island clean air every where making our body pure from no pollution where is the solution equilibrium of earth off earth supposed be island

MADD men chemically imbalanced causing lives be shortened to violence lost their way forgot their history their legacy blinded by evils of society

Genetically modified food messing up our DNA causing imbalances in humanity more off spring aliens

Imagine our own planets what would you put on it

My galaxy planets quiet peaceful made water and mist the high of kush is the natural essence of the air no land balanced enough float by spiritual power flying cars over oceans sound of light and planet zillion times  bigger then earth

I spit universe every time I spit humanity lost divided by evils of society blinded from their legacy people forgot their way and what's worst they want me in hearst for spitting the illest vesre

Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT

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