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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Illuminated Ones Caught in Our Trap?


those of us who are awake and aware should unite their are plenty of people in the world across the planet whom are aware and awake the problem is most of them dont have internet access t.v.s probably in jail or a place where they dont have contact with the outside world or people like us. and those among us who live for greed are destroying themselves. we are the story tellers of our history and we do control the elite and the world simply by not complying with the sign on the line method of communicate with the institutions colleges jobs corporations. if we dont sign we dont become blind to material physical mental social economic spiritual hatred all over the planet. but the problem is we know they want to get off the planet after taking the resources and killing us with environment nature GMO biological and chemical warfare. but the problem is how do we get ourselves to wake up the rest of billions of people. how do we get them to realize we can help and heal each other as many ways as we cant without the profit motive of big institutions which want to kill us americans us colored people and billions over the world through all the facts explained on this information website and many others. we all should try to find time to meet. because us talking on the internet aint going to cut. we need to find better ways to communticate what if they shut down the internet then what are we going to do. what if they shut off the t.v. highways railroads and close down major business and stores. can we survive without cars trucks public transportation. can we survive without their tools which have impacted many of our lives even if we dont play their game but many do. we should not let others destroy themselves if we can help them cuz then they can help us if we wake the brain spirtiually dead up. if any of you would like to meet and form a union instead of internet protesting we should meet and discuss how were going to handle this reality for ourselves and for those who are not aware or awake. http://phatbeatzent.blogspot.com pthrilla.u@gmail.com lets all put our contact information down and i think isis the creator of this website should try to put some post up which start making meetings open for us to meet so we can get to know each other past this internet and in real life so we can combat the sin which has invaded our lives and our family and friends who are still deaf dumb blind and un aware to the truth of the plans of the NWO and global genocide. let them make portals to other worlds and galaxies let them travel into space let them build bombs and practice chemical warfare on themselves but if they do sometimes us good people get effected by their greed motive which is not cool. how about we stop them from making all those weapons and tell them to send those weapons into a portal and off our planet so we can live off the land and from nature among the animals and naturally so we wont have all these factories and forms of pollution chemical biological or otherwise polluting our land planet and bodies and spirits. we have to wake our people up and get enough of them to stop it all. we have to make our people aware that money cant save us all we the people the huemans the species living on this planet have to stop it all we have to stop those in power but not giving into their power until they stop their plans to kill us all. i know im tired of it i cant stand to see a good planet with beautiful people confused about who they are dont know they history lied to tricked into making the elite rich but billions of people poor confused and no clue of their history legacy lineage or family tree. if we wake enough people up we wont need governments we wont need schools we wont need hospitals we wont need prisons war or money or business we can provide for all we need among each other if we wake enough people up to learn how to heal ourselves with proper healthy food not GMO food with natural thinking not chemical biologoical drug induced suicidal homicidal greed motive thinking. to many of us are blind to the truth to many want money what good is it if the world is dying. to many want nice houses big cars what good is it if many of us are dying. to many people deep down inside dont know what genocide is apartheid and gentrification. to many of us dont know the science of our people the math of our people the religion of our people it is not in universities but in our spirit we have to awaken our chakras learn astrology of the stars and planets and what yoga tai chi and many martial art forms and music is not about making babies or sex but about finding our higher power the planets we are connected to in spirit from which our gods created us exist. we must not let the elite continue killing the planet and our people worldwide we are all one people one race of people the only reason we hurt steal kill one another is because we think we have to we dont. we think what we are taught is right its wrong unlearn all that bullshit in schools. why do you think many people of color are not allowed in universities but its easy to get a gun sale drugs become a prostitute and keep the underworld profitable so the elite can invade your life with that poison thinking poison life so you wont have the real knowledge or technology or monetary gain to change the world. it dont take alot of money to change the world it takes a small commited group of people. the military navy armies of the world are only to serve the elite but not the people. corporations serve those who own them to control the people. jobs business are not for people but to control people so we wont realize all that money coming our our checks are going to the elite and IMF and United nations so they can build space stations on other planets and other galaxies so they can then cause war to destroy this planet and escape to another planet after they have drugged jailed killed in war in disguise all over the planet under different disguises and shadow governments to kill many people so by the time people wake up they to mentally dead drugged down jailed dead or poor enough to care about finding the truth or figthing back. people cant fight back if they do not know the truth or have the weapons your mind and your words is more powerful than any bomb or gun use your brain. learn what it takes to run the world any human can be a boss a president a leader of the world. all it takes is enough people to follow your movement if its right. and many people in life and on the internet are looking for their next leader but fail to realize you are the leader yourself. you just need to realize alot of people are spirtually already on the right path to change 2012 is the year the planets will align and shift not only the consciousness of all thinking but change our galaxy our planet wont be aligned the same weather systems will change because the north pole south pole will be shifted from its normal point to a new point. meaning weather will change living will change continents will change and force people to live different. meaning the geological landscape of the world will change hot regions of the globe might become cold cold regions might become hot. many regions might fall into the water new regions might spark volocanoes and turn into new islands and new continents. they cant hide the truth anymore.back in the day if you were government or not if you exposed their plans some shadow agency would kill your and your network but now the whole internet is exposing the truth through song video and t.v. shows so that is why they want to kill the planet. if the people of the world love this planet they would not let this NWO and genocide take place on all planets and all continents or even in new galaxies. since the elite know they cant play the same games they were playing and they money wont last them forever if people stop buying their products economies will collapse and planet monetary system will collapse leaving no money for war prison jail college job or business which means those of us who are aware across the planet will rejoice knowing we stop the war profit machine across the globe killing all us small innocent people who know the way of the gods and of the ancients and know our history and want to give our people the knowledge to change the world through spirit and naturality and not money greed lust sin murder crime poverty sick minded thinking war and war games. the change is among us now this is the century to change it all. i say dont play dont buy dont comply dont sign dont buy into or play the game dry the system out. dont give them money dont pay taxes dont work dont drive dont use public transportation dont give any money to corporations or to people who control our nations but kill us our family and friends. if enough of us dont feed into the system the elite wont keep doing what they doing and eventually will unite with the people of the world and shut all that poison down. we face so many threats and we still have so far to go. we the people need to learn to grow our own food raise our kids live among each other without the system and the poison it brings to us. we need to learn to live among each other and love each no matter what and spread love all over the globe to wake the masses of people up.

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